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Broscience is a new branch of knowledge that came out of buff dudes giving each other advice on how to gain muscle through exercise (lifting primarily) and nutrition. As of now, the term has expanded and can also refer to evolutionary-based health ideas, such as Paleo Diet , important insights from physical therapy regarding posture or orthodontics regarding sleep apnea or jaw-maxxing as well as some supplementary to lifting activities such as red light therapy or cold showers, sometimes referred to as "bromeopathy." Originally the term had a negative connotation of not being very associated with "studies" based science. However, after the journalistic response to COVID flip floped its "expert-based proclamations" too many times, broscience and bromeopathy have become more positive terms. Expert worship isn't really science either, since it's not based on providing simple and usable models. Bro-science has the potential to become the default scientific way of knowledge if it reconcile it's intuitive and N=1 understanding with more generalizable theoretical models.

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Now I'm eager to try on my skin šŸ˜†
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There are some medical jaw interventions which are likely counterproductive and can make one's jaw smaller either deliberatly or as a side effect.

Removing teeth

Generally removing wisdom teeth or any teeth extractions for orthodontic reasons is a bad idea. Almost always Teeth are generally improving the overall jaw strength and size.


Agga appliancesĀ 

Agga appliance category is under a lot of scrutiny for bad outcomes. They areĀ are currently facing at least one lawsuit.Ā and maybe more is coming.


Headgear orthodnics has multiple different types and depending on the type it ranges in itā€™s potential issues. Pull headgear is almost certainly counter-productive in that it decreases one of the jaws to "match the other."Ā ReverseĀ pull headgear, such as FaceMask could, *in theory* be more productive, however it has some risks of damaging teeth if attached improperly. It risks pullingĀ the maxilla downwards, which is the wrong angle of pull.Ā There is an almost mythical headgear called ā€œFaceMax,ā€ unfortunatelly similarly named to ā€œFaceMaskā€.Ā It supposedly pulls the maxilla up and forward instread of down and forward such asĀ FaceMask does.This would in theory be helpful if you manage to attach it to the bone correctly, such as attaching to anĀ MSEĀ and avoid tooth damage and screw drag. However, the information and case studies are so limited that this should be not be considered a proven device.Ā 

Anything that reduces the jaw

Any device that aims to "correct" things by pushing making jaws smaller and less wide is highly suspect in my view. Any orthodontist which does not worry about sleep apnea impact of their treatments is also likely suspect. Aligning teeth, while important for long term stability, should never come at the expense of the airway.Ā 


Other, such as rhinoplasty

The following articles also talks about rhinoplasty (nose jobs) and other proceduresĀ as potentially causing long-term damage to oneā€™s sleep.Ā Common Procedures that can Worsen Sleep Apnea

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NAC for my brain health collagen power Axio to boost energy a very thin pillow + a custom made extra firm mattress for good sleep. bunch of vitamins since I tend to be low on magnesium and potassium, so these two are a must. Also iron supplement to help me generate enough blood to keep me warm. I am very sensitive to coldness, eg wearing long sleeves in summer sometimes.
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Twinkle twinkle little tiki
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Red light therapy and "bromeopathy" have entered the popular discource due to the trailer for "The End of Men."Ā Red light therapy generally referes to shining light with 650 - 1000+ nm wavelengths, which is in either the red or near-infared spectrum. The End of Men is now released on Fox Nation
My experience with red light therapy is with this product:



It seems slightly effective in increasing my mood and a having a "warm feeling" after a 5-10 min session. There is a distinction between red light frequency in (600-650nm) and near-infrared (810-850nm). The product above has both. You can read more about the red vs NIR distinction.Ā Visible spectrum wavelengths penetrate less deep in the body compared to longer wavelengths infrared. Some infrared saunas have wavelengths of 1000nm or above and are thus able to penetrate even deeper. They need to be used with more caution.

A number of studies showedĀ effects of both red light and infrared therapy, most commonly on skin repair. One example study found a significant improvement in skin tone in treatment group after 30 days.Ā 


Another study also showsĀ facial rejuvenation:

Another study has shown a correlation of red light therapy with impovement of distance run in 12 min.Ā This result didn't "technically" reach significance, but anyone who has done any sort of running should be impressed by this. Also this study used red light therapy duringĀ sleep, which is not something IĀ would recommend, since IĀ prefer to sleep in as dark of a room as possible.

There are a number of other red light therapy studies linked here. Although some of themĀ are not convincing by themselves because they are done on mice or have low sample sizes, the overall picture is fairly positive, especially since effect sizes tend to be quite large.

You don't have to use red light therapy while power posing:

But it looks cool if you do. And it might have benefits towards posture.

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Fresh air is super important for good sleep. Make sure to air out the bedroom or open windows to let in fresh air before or while sleeping. My body literally refuse to fall sleep if the air isn't fresh.
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NAC and Kale powder !
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Add your favorite art piece(s) you made recently. And tell us why. I will start.Ā 

Autumn colors are beautiful on my walks lately. Here is a snapshot in watercolor.Ā 

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